The 10th EASN Virtual Conference will feature a slot dedicated to the AW-Drones Project. This year, the Conference will be held remotely, so you can follow it from wherever you are.

Our Project Coordinator Damiano Taurino and other speakers will provide updates about AW-Drones. In particular, they will focus on delivering insights about the standards identified to support the application of the SORA Methodology and those that will support the implementation of U-Space. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to preview the AW-Drones Open Repository, a powerful tool displaying, in an easily accessible fashion, the technical standards already published or under development for the commercial use of drones worldwide that the project is collecting and assessing against existing and foreseen regulations. Moreover, the Repository contains information on standards’ maturity level, coverage of regulation, and identified gaps.

The AW-Drones project presentation

The presentation comprises six sessions, each with speakers who will discuss different aspects of the project. In details, the sessions will address the following topics:

  1. AW-Drones project overview. Damiano Taurino (Deep Blue) will go over the project’s objectives and progress.
  2. Performance-based regulation: the role of industrial standards and the AW-Drones meta-standard. Marco Ducci and Filippo Tomasello (EuroUSC-Italia) will discuss the “Risk & Performance-based” principle shaping the regulations, and the standards that are being developed to ensure compliance to them.
  3. Collecting and structuring drone-related global standards. Sebastian Cain (DLR) and Joost Vreeken (NLR) will illustrate the methodology AW-Drones uses to collect standards and classify them.
  4. Assessing drone standards against regulatory requirements. Matteo Natale (EuroUSC-Italia) will explain the AW-Drones standards assessment method. In details, he will focus on the standards’ mapping process and how suitable standards and gaps are identified, showing some examples.
  5. The AW-Drones Open Repository. Ilias Trochidis (Ortelio) will present the AW-Drones Open Repository, which collects and presents the results of the project in an easily accessible way.
  6. U-Space regulatory framework and the related standards. Hans Schrawuen (Unifly) will introduce the topic of U-Space. In particular, he will highligth the emerging regulatory requirements and the standards currently available and under development to support its implementation.

Who should attend and why

The presentation is open to everybody to attend. However, we address in particular a specific audience active in the fields of law-making, aviation, and drone-related activities. For example:

  • Standard making bodies
  • Regulators
  • Drone manufacturers
  • Drone operators
  • UAS service providers
  • Research and academia

How to participate

The AW-Drones presentation will take place on September 4, 2020 at 11:00 AM CEST in Room 3. Please keep in mind that in order to follow it, you need to register to the EASN Conference first.

About the 10th EASN Virtual International Conference

The 10th EASN Virtual International Conference on “Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens” is a high-quality scientific conference. It is organized by EASN (European Aeronautics Science Network), an association established to create a unique, open European platform for the aeronautic research community to share, compare and disseminate scientific knowledge on aeronautics.

Save the date for the 2nd AW-Drones workshop!

We would also like to take this occasion to announce that we will hold our 2nd project workshop, free of charge, in November 2020. Overall, the workshop will reprise the structure of the conference presentation, with a stronger focus on U-space. In addition, extensive collaborative sessions will allow us to collect participants’ feedback on what we present. Further information about the structure of the workshop, as well as details on the date and how to register, will follow in Autumn.