AW-Drones facilitates the ongoing European Union rulemaking process for the definition of rules, technical standards and procedures for civilian drones operations. The project started in January 2019 and will work towards achieving two sub-goals. Firstly, it will provide a repository of “best practices” to support EASA’s regulatory process. Secondly, it will propose and validate a set of technical standards for operations, appropriate for all relevant categories of drones.
Yesterday, AW-Drones held its kick-off meeting in Brussels. The meeting began with an overview of the project activities provided by the coordinator, Deep Blue. Then, INEA, DG-MOVE and EASA presented their expectations about AW-Drones results. Finally, the project partners and main stakeholders (i.e. EASA) coordinated for the upcoming activities.
AW-Drones has already started by developing a methodology to structure the information collected about technical standards for drones. This activity will be in close coordination with those carried out at international level by EUSCG and ANSI. The project will release the first report about standards supporting operations in the EASA Specific category in July, after a review with the project advisory board.